rvlm.entrypoint: automatic argument parser for functions

Converts function’s arguments to getopt-style command line options and arguments. This may definitely help in writing small and clear scripts, with no ugly command line parsing code.

This module can:

  • Automatically generate argument parsers basing on “main” function signature and docstring.
  • Automatically run the “main” function when a script is called directly, but not when it is included as a module.

Right after this module was written, its author discovered for himself the entrypoint module (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/entrypoint). But it appeared to be that original entrypoint behaves sometimes in a strange way. So, it was decided to continue development, and also to rename this module to rvlm.entrypoint from former rvlm.argmap, becase this name sounds better still doesn’t introduce names conflict by having a prefix.

copyright:2014, Pavel Kretov
exception rvlm.entrypoint.ParserError

Exception raised when wrong command line arguments are given. It is only raised by call() with raiseOnError set to True. Overwise, sys.exit() gets called.

rvlm.entrypoint.call(func, args=None, emptyVarArgs=True, helpOptions=True, shortOptions=True, docStrings=True, changeNames=True, raiseOnError=True)

Convert function func argument convention to command line options and runs it with converted arguments.

  • func – Function to be run. Must have parameter information available through inspection. It also must not have **kwargs parameter.
  • args – Getopt-style command line parameters. It is a list of command line options and arguments mostly like sys.argv array, but unlike it without first item (sys.argv[0]) which commonly contains script name. Default value None means that sys.argv will be used to get that list.
  • emptyVarArgs – Specifies whether target function ‘func’ can take empty arguments list as its *vararg parameter. Default value True represents the fact that there is no way to set this restriction in Python syntax. But setting it to False will require at least one getopt-style argument to be passed as *vararg (if it is present, of course).
  • helpOption – Specifies whether to generate --help (and -h) option or not. Default value is True which means help option will be enabled. Setting this to False will disable help messages and also will make shorthand -h available for use by another option (see parameter shortOptions for more info).
  • shortOptions – Enables automatic generation of short options. Short options will be the first letters of arguments name comverted to lower case. If several optional arguments start with the same letter, no short option will be generated. Default value is True. Note that short option -h is reserved for help message display if helpOption parameter is set to True.
  • docStrings

    Try to find parameters description in function’s docstring (__doc__). Description are found using very simple regular expression, so this feature may fail sometimes. For this to work parameters must be described on separate lines like in the following:

    * cmd Command to run interactively.
    - cmd Command to run interactively.
    * cmd: Command to run interactively.
    *** cmd - Command to run interactively.
    :param cmd: Command to run interactively.
    @param cmd Command to run interactively.

    where cmd must be the exact parameter name. Some more variants are available, though. Default value is True.

  • changeNames

    Enables automatic arguments renaming. Setting this to True will change naming convention of function arguments to dash-style. For the following example function:

    def func(logFile=None, StartDate=None, stop_at_exit=False):

    arguments will be converted to --log-file, --start-date and --stop-at-exit. But the usage clause will look something like this:

    Usage: func.py [--log-file LOG_FILE] [--start-date START_DATE] ...
  • raiseOnError – Specifies whether to raise ParserException when given command line arguments args cannot be parsed to function func parameters. If this value is set to False, sys.exit() is called instead. Default value is True.

Function conveys return value from target function func.


Runs the function if the module in which it is declared is being run directly from the command line. Putting the following before the function definition would be similar to:

if __name__ == '__main__':

This will work most expectedly as the outermost decorator, as it will call the function before any more outwards decorators have been applied.